Who We Are
We are a student ministry that seeks to see students pursue Christ in their daily lives and find their identity in Him as they live on mission by pushing back darkness in South Florida and beyond with the light of Jesus.

Mission Statement
Radiant City Students seeks to make and multiply disciples in middle and high school. We accomplish this in two ways; by partnering with parents, who are the primary disciple makers in their home, and by creating a Gospel-Centered culture where students can be equipped in the word, experience authentic worship as they abide in Christ through genuine community.
Just as the Bible is centered on the person and work of Jesus (Luke 24:27) we want our students to be centered on Christ. The Gospel is something believers grow deeper into and never graduate from. We want our spiritual identities to be shaped by what God has done for us in Christ and not in what we do for God.
We want our students to understand that true worship comes from people who are deeply emotional and who love sound doctrine. True worship does not consist of elaborate or impressive prayers, or require great talent. Authentic worship that honors God is the sincere, loving, thoughtful and heartfelt devotion and praise of His children (Romans 12:1).
One of the marks of a Christ follower is to love genuinely (Romans 12:9). How much different would the world be if we did just that? As we strive to resemble Christ daily, one of the big ways we do that is in community. The purpose of a Genuine community is two-fold; to stir up one another (Hebrews 10:24-25), and to demonstrate God’s character to the world (John 20:21). We are called and sent to show a hurting, broken, and dying world that Jesus is who He says He is.
At Radiant City Students we take the Great Commision seriously. God has redeemed us to himself, and He empowers and sends us to be His witnesses (Matthew 28:16-20). We want our students to strive to abide in Christ (John 15:4-5), and by doing so, bear much fruit as they live on mission for Him in their daily lives.
Where We Meet
Wednesday | 6:30PM | Radiant City Church (251 SW 4th Ave, Boca Raton, FL 33432)
Radiant Students meets weekly in the downstairs Student area of Radiant City Church from 6:30 – 8PM.
Come and join us every Wednesday night for our weekly gatherings, it’s the perfect time to reset during a busy busy school week and to do it with like-minded believers.
Note: During Summer Vacation, we tend to do a lot of off-site activities!